Let There Be Light International’s solar impact: 41,390 solar lights donated to 223,506 people and 88 health centers solar-electrified.

Make a big impact with a small donation! $15 covers the purchase and distribution of a safe solar light. With a donation of $45, you can power 3 homes for 3+ years.

Solar Impact to Date

Solar lights donated to vulnerable off-grid households

People benefiting from access to solar-electrified health centers and/or solar at home

Tons of CO2 averted from entering the atmosphere after replacing kerosene with solar

Families save $150+ on fuel in the first 3 years of use, amplifying the impact of every $15 donation. Savings are used for health, education and basic needs.

Let There Be Light International provides solar programming in Uganda, Malawi, Kenya and Rwanda to vulnerable families living in poverty.

Our clean energy programming addresses the needs of new mothers, orphans, children and adults with disabilities, elders, and students.

no poverty

Solar recipients use fuel savings for basic needs.

good health

Health outcomes improve when solar replaces kerosene.

affordable and clean energy

Millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa still need light.

climate action

LTBLI promotes climate action and environmental justice.

with your donations

With Your Donations

We’ve helped 1,051,003 people gain access to improved health care at frontline community health centers.

With improved access to healthcare and safer homes, last-mile communities report better health and safety outcomes.

Why Help?

Together we can combat climate change while providing sustainable lighting to communities in need. Each solar light provides safe, renewable light for 3+ years. When you support a Community Health Center, Let There Be Light International’s impact is even greater. Shine On!

sarah with kids